Christian fundamentalist group probed over Covid conspiracies and homophobic social media posts

Christian fundamentalist group probed over Covid conspiracies and homophobic social media posts
Live stream 1069
Max Parry

By Max Parry

Published: 09/02/2022

- 17:46

Updated: 14/02/2023

- 11:29

Christadelphian Ecclesia have shared social media posts alleging that the Covid vaccine is a 'poison medicine'

A Christian fundamentalist group is being investigated by Scottish charity watchdogs for spreading hate about the LGBT community as well as anti-vaccine propaganda.

Christadelphian Ecclesia are being probed after complaints about "disturbing" messages the group posted.

The Scottish Government has attacked the group for undermining the vaccine rollout.

The National Secular Society has also made a formal complaint to the charity regulator after conspiracies about Covid and homophobic messages were posted on social media.

A Facebook post by the East Kilbride Christadelphians shows a man praying before a TV screen saying “stay home”, accompanied by the Bible quote: “Those who regard vain idols Forsake their faithfulness”.

Another Facebook post on the East Kilbride Christadelphians page depicts the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah accompanied by the words “teach kids LGBT history”.

Megan Manson of the NSS argued the group shouldn't be enabled to operate as a charity.

Reported in Daily Record: “It is extremely disturbing to see a registered charity apparently discouraging the public from getting a Covid-19 vaccine or following social distancing guidelines, as well as promoting homophobia.

“These harmful messages are clearly being posted under the charitable purpose of ‘the advancement of religion’.

“If this charitable purpose can allow charities to easily promote messages that undermine public health and well-being, it must be called into question.

“We hope OSCR will make it clear that ‘advancing religion’ isn’t a license to spread harmful conspiracy theories and homophobia.”

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